Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I am very thankful for
the number one man in my life.

As most of you know, hd was in the Peace Corps in 2006.
After graduating from college, he left for
Guyana, South America.

After being gone about four months he became
very ill. He was treated by foreign doctors,
took lots of medicine and repeatedly went to the hospital.
After another three months, he was
medically released from the Peace Corps.
This meant he could come home, get better, and return
to complete his two years of service if he wished.
It was a very rough and long seven months
but worth every minute to be where we are today.

With all this being said,
this past week ABC and 20/20 did a special
on the Peace Corps. However this special was not aired to
talk about the good the Peace Corps does. Instead it aimed
to shed light on the terrible things that have happened
to many volunteers.

So today I thank him for his service, kind heart,
and his desire to change the world, and thank God for bringing
him home safely to me.

what are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

  1. what a cute picture of the two of you! so glad he is home safe with you! i am thankful as you may very well know for my little bear!
